One thing is certain, marketing strategy is not and should not be detached from the reality of finance.

The paradox of having to spend more in marketing to drive sales when cashflow is low does not have to be navigated blindly.

Hellihub gives you a helicopter view of your business costs and revenue so you can factor it all in before making decisions on which products to push on an increasingly competitive market and which to just leave alone.

Marketing costs aside, every parcel that leaves your door has numerous costs associated to it. 

  • Merchant fees from the online transaction
  • Postage
  • Packaging
  • Labour
  • Initial cost of product

In addition, Hellihub provides you with a real-time useful insight into your earnings by separating tax, business costs, and advertising costs, leaving you with a net profit.

Although it may not be the wisest way to run a business, having a day-to-day knowledge of where you stand can be extremely useful when you are trying to turn a corner or testing a new marketing strategy.

Watch our demo on business vitals

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