Frequently Asked Questions

Hellihub isn’t vaporware. It's built to enhance your businesses abilities to market better, save money and drive sales with data rather than guessing.

1Why Should I subscribe to Hellihub?
Do you really understand what is happening hourly, daily weekly with all your sales and marketing activity though Google Shopping? If the answer is NO then this is exactly why you should subscribe to Hellihub.
2Doesn’t my Agency do this?
Chances are your agency has no idea how to do what Hellihub can do. Even if they did it would be a collection of spreadsheets, when once produced are out of date. Meaning your insight into your business is floored.
3Why do I need an Agency?
Agencies are a great resource of help with managing the normal day to day running of Google Ads, however it's become more complicated with the advancement of Google’s Performance MAX campaigns. Now not only are you more reliant on Google, you have less data that you can see. Hellihub exposes that data which is key for your own internal use, but your Agency should be able to help you manage your campaigns better. Unless you are well versed with Google AD’s, Google Merchant Centre, and Google Analytics - your agency is still very much required.
4I’m already profitable, so why Hellihub?
Congratulations that is genuenly impressive. So take a free trial and see if you can find additonal issue with products not selling or getting a high number of clicks which do not convert. These finding could make you even more profitable and remove small pockets of products which need attention