Shopify Business Analysis Tool

Synchronise your shopify sales data with Hellihub

Synchronise your shopify sales data with Hellihub Our Shopify integration takes the work out of analyzing your sales profitability, understanding sale-by-sale the profit. You can install our integration directly via our website or you can connect Hellihub within the Shopify App store.

Shopify Business Analysis Tool

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage online stores. It provides a variety of tools and services to help entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes set up and run their own online stores without needing to have extensive technical knowledge or experience in web development.

With Shopify, users can easily design their storefront, add products, manage inventory, process payments, and handle shipping, all through a user-friendly interface. It offers customizable templates, a secure shopping cart, and various marketing and analytics tools to help businesses attract customers and optimize their sales.

Overall, Shopify is a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to sell products or services online, whether they're just starting out or already established businesses looking to expand their online presence.